Is this the fix?

Note: If you haven’t already seen the latest video, please check it out!

Our elected school board has failed, over the past several years, to address spending, safety, and education issues in the Northumberland County public schools. Back in 2023, the Board of Supervisors’ frustration reached a point where they tossed out the idea of an appointed school board.

Fast forward 18 months.  The school board and school leadership are stuck in the same ‘rinse-repeat’ cycle:

  • The School Board’s refusal to collaborate or meet with the the Board of Supervisors
  • The failure of the school leadership to effect substantive finance department change
  • The continuing decline in test scores
  • The ever increasing school budget
  • Disastrous 2025 forensic audit findings


And we, the citizens are stuck as well –

  • Test Results indicate our kids are failing to thrive academically
  • School Board and leadership fail to resolve long term financial and management issues
  • Imminent real estate tax increases as a result of increasing school budget
  • Raise school issues publicly after seeing proposed budget
  • Pay increased real estate taxes as a result of budget ‘asks’


At the February 13th meeting, the Board of Supervisors once again raised the idea of a referendum in the fall election to allow County residents to change from the elected School Board model to an appointed School Board model. 

This poll is intended to gather input and generate interest for an appointed School Board model. The general results (statistics only – no names) will be made public at the March Board of Supervisors meeting. Please share the survey with your network of friends and family.  If you have additional thoughts or comments, use the ‘contact us’ page and send them along – we’d love to know what you think. If you don’t mind if your comments are published, please indicate your permission to publish in the body of your message.

The time is now for some serious action – enough is enough.